Welcome to Metsa Series
What is Metsa Series?
Metsa Series empowers, inspires and informs people about psychedelic rituals, plant medicines and the ancient practices and cosmovisions which accompany them.
Being and Becoming: The Journey
7 Week Online Experience
This course is designed to transform your life with the language revealed by entheogens, plant consciousness and indigenous wisdom. We are offering a 7 week series of gatherings where you—human being, practitioner, guide, enthusiast, beginner and observer—can receive an orientation and build a relationship with this rich and textured landscape of the space around you.
10% of the proceeds from this course are being donated to the Sacred Ways Foundation. Consider supporting indigenous wisdom-keeping families and donate today!
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Private Coaching?
We are seeing an explosion in the popularity and use of psychedelics, but Western culture lacks the roots of traditional knowledge of working with these medicines. Ayahuasca, psilocybin, peyote, and other plant medicines are part of long lineages of spiritual practice and healing.
A coaching session with Metsa will expose you to his 26 years of experience holding ceremonies and studying these traditions and allow you to:
Engage with his perspective on what to do before, during, and after the psychedelic experience.
Build an awareness of the space as alive reality within yourself and around you.
Train your ability to engage with life and rituals in a sacred way.
Understand and make sense of your experiences.
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RELEASED: Consciousness, Collective Experience, Oneness, Substances and Consumerism, Dieta's, Metsa's lineages, sex and ceremony and more.